

12th Division

General Zack Tainer – 12th Division, Commanding Officer:

Having founded 12th Division during the Great War, General Tainer quickly gained the loyalty of his men and his superior by proving his skills countless times. An incorruptible man, he has often been called the most powerful man in the empire, second only to the emperor himself. Those close to him know that though his past is filled with many secrets and mysteries, his integrity and determination are unwavering.

Having recently been betrayed by the newly formed human empire, General Tainer led the 12th Division away from what the very home they fought tirelessly to create and now seeks refuge for his battle hardened division who remain ever more loyal to him.

Commander Ray Walker – 12th Division, Executive Officer, Second in Command

Commander Walker is the backbone of the Raiders and the only man absolutely trusted by General Tainer. Like his old friend Zack, Walker’s past is shrouded in secrecy and little is known about him save what he willingly lets out. Having spent a few years of his early life in a northern monastery, Ray Walker became a very self-disciplined man, which reflected well on his ability as second in command of the Raiders. More mysterious than his past, his colorless eyes are common source of gossip among the raiders and he has done nothing to defend against the strangest theories that spread around camp faster than wild fires

Nevertheless, the division’s respect and admiration for Commander Walker is second only to that given to their General. Ray Walker did not hesitate a second to follow his old friend in breaking away from the empire and he remains, to this day, in active duty as the division’s executive officer.

Captain David Sanson – First Company, Commanding Officer

A man hardened by years of pirating, Captain Sanson, like many others in the Raiders, swore his allegiance to General Tainer early on during the creation of the 12th Division with the promise of redemption, both morally and legally. Having commanded a small fleet of ships during his pirate days, Sanson has proved himself to be invaluable as an officer, tactician and navigator. Many of the Raiders’ successful strategies of hit-and-run are owed to him and though somewhat older than most in the division, including his commanding officer, Captain Sanson has few equals on the field of battle.

Sanson has served as commanding officer of the 12th Division’s first company and helped organize the Raiders into an effective fighting unit. He was reluctant to split from the newly formed Human Empire at first but seeing the betrayal unleashed on the raiders quickly changed his mind. Captain Sanson is currently commanding the Red Solstice, flagship of the 12th division while his General seeks a refuge for a battle weary army.

Captain Irena Rinth – Second Company, Commanding Officer

Though born in royalty and subsequently labelled a witch and hunted down as such for the major part of her life, Captain Rinth shaped herself in a woman who is utterly unafraid of doing what must be done to win and ruthless in some cases. Rinth was initially very reluctant to follow a man, especially a young man like General Tainer, in battle and led a band of pillagers during the first years of the war. She along with her band of followers joined up with the 12th Division as a way to escape persecution by their peers and death from their enemies. It did not take her long to build up a solid trust towards General Tainer and the rest of his officers. Having taken command of the second company after the death its original leader, Rinth shaped a very diverse unit, drawing on the strengths of all. To this day, the 12th Division’s second company has the highest proportion of women and various ethnic minorities.

Captain Rinth is highly respected and feared by her subordinates and learned, much to her dismay, that she had never had any magical powers of any kind. Disgusted by the betrayal of those she once hoped to trust, she followed General Tainer and the 12th Division away from the Human Empire.

Captain Lee Yhan – Third Company, Commanding Officer

Having spent the majority of his early life in a slave camp of the southern provinces, Captain Yhan’s youth became filled with much hatred towards his Orc masters. After years of brutal domination, the young Yhan led the other human slaves to a revolt that razed three entire villages to the grounds and killed hundreds of Orcs. Seeing the horrors he had unleashed on his former masters as nothing near proper justice, he fled to the mountains where he was taken in by a group of travelling traders where, for years, he learned the skills of economic warfare and honed his patience to near flawlessness. During the years leading to the Great War, he became more and more involved in the underground black market where he soon established himself as a force to be reckoned with. Yhan joined with General Tainer’s 12th Division soon after its official formation and used his vast underground networks to help supply the Raiders with much of their equipment, even the famed Red Solstice, flagship of the division.

A very calm and patient men in most circumstance, Captain Yhan still bears with him the hatred of an age past towards those who once claimed dominion over him. Although his fighting skills lack in certain departments, he has developed many efficient tactics of striking unseen and unheard of until too late. His organizations skills have greatly helped in shaping the Third Company into an effective fighting force with a penchant for striking from the shadows but equally capable of standing in the spotlight.

Captain James Markus – Sixth Company, Commanding Officer

One of the most physically powerful men in the 12th Division, Captain Markus hailed from the underground fighting pits where his massive size and weight helped make him a crowd favourite early in his career. Despite many successful fights to the death, Markus’ somewhat cheerful attitude drew the wrong conclusions from the people in charge of the arenas and tried to have him killed in the ring many times. Regardless of their attempts, Markus bested all efforts to overwhelm him and eventually left on his own, sinking into alcohol and depression. After a few years of taking jobs as bouncer or leg breaker, he was given the unfortunate task of threatening an army officer, who turned out to be young, then-captain, Zack Tainer. Utterly ignoring the verbal threat, Tainer defeated Markus in a simple fistfight and recognizing the potential of the big, albeit young, fighter, took him into his old unit and trained him in the art of war.

To this day, Captain Markus has been fiercely loyal to General Tainer and is known to intimidate those who do not show proper respect to his leader. Due to his considerable size and strength, Markus adopted the massive Mk.I Heavy-Raider armor and his Sixth Company bears the highest concentration of Heavy-Raiders in the entire Division. He believes in leading by example and can always be found on the frontline, never asking something from his soldiers that he would not be prepared to do himself. He was engaged in some western border fighting when the Raiders were betrayed and now seeks to rejoin his brothers and sisters.

Sergeant-Major Steven Khyle – Division Senior Drill Instructor

Though many attribute the successes of the 12th Division entirely to General Tainer, Sergeant-Major Khyle is undoubtedly responsible for the strict discipline shown by the Raiders. To this day, not a single recruit has taken active duty without the approval of Senior Drill Instructor Khyle, who worked tirelessly to forge a mixed band of criminals into a fully functional fighting force. While Commander Walker is often labelled the backbone of the division, Khyle forms without a doubt the rest of the skeleton. Having refused countless promotions, the Sergeant instead spends his time working among the Raiders, young and old, with hopes of erasing a lifetime of selfishness and implementing a spirit of brotherhood.

Khyle was introduced to the young, then Captain, Tainer by their mutual friend; Ray Walker and has stood by their side ever since. Caring little for political betrayals, he simply followed the raiders when they left. He is currently training recruits, based in Allesia as per a wartime agreement between the 12th Division and the Eastern Desert Kingdom.

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